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Membership Application

The Kansas City Paralegal Association (KCPA) is a professional group for paralegals.  As an organization, KCPA enhances the development of the paralegal profession while providing a forum for like-minded individuals to continue their paralegal education and career development. Opportunities for networking among paralegals on the local, state, and national levels are abundant with KCPA.

Our membership benefits include a subscription to the ParaView newsletter, attendance to KCPA luncheons, seminars, and events at a reduced member fee, ability to share your interest in job hunting and access to job postings, access to a network of more than 150 members to share information, references, and resources, and the latest industry trends and interests.

Note:  All new KCPA members are entitled to a free KCPA luncheon meeting (for use within 1 year).

To realize the benefits of a KCPA membership, fill out the online membership application below, beginning with selecting your membership level. Online payment is preferred when paying membership fees and all financial transactions with KCPA.

If you have any questions, please submit them to Emily Schulte

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