Please join us for our July membership meeting at Lidia's in Kansas City, July 20 at noon.
Keith Carter, our guest speaker, will be giving us an exciting presentation and brief overview of the ins and outs of carry and conceal.
The menu for this event will include:
Insalata Mista
The Pasta Trio
Non alcoholic beverages
Please let us know if you need a vegetarian option. Please register online at the link below. If you cannot pay online please send the check in advance of the luncheon to LeeAnn Parmenter, Kutak Rock LLP, Two Pershing Square, 2300 Main Street, Suite 800, Kansas City, MO 64108-2416. RSVPs and any cancellations must be received by July 18, 2016.
Please contact LeeAnn Parmenter at leeann.parmenter@kutakrock.com or at 816-502-4811 if you have any questions regarding this event.
Thank you!
See you at Lidia's!